About me

«When I look into a satisfied and relaxed face after a massage or a yoga lesson, I know why I do and love this work.»

Susann Arreghini - Talumai

Susann Arreghini

Certified yoga teacher SYV/EYU, certified lomilomi and foot reflexology therapist

With my work as a massage therapist and yoga teacher I want to accompany and support my clients on their way to health and healing. It is important to me to offer my clients an open space in which they can feel save and be themselves.

I look forward to your visit in my practice or in a yoga lesson.

I speak German, English and Italian


In my therapy room I offer Lomilomi massages, foot reflexology massages and yoga private lessons. I'm located right behind the opera house in Zürich.

The room is part of a community practice. It is a friendly, bright room that is perfect to come to rest and to treat yourself to something good.

I look forward to welcoming you here. 

Discover my yoga und massage offers.

Massage Praxis Zürich, Lomilomi - Talumai
Susann Arreghini - Talumai


Ich bilde mich laufend in Workshops, Seminaren und Retreats weiter.


I love to do yoga, travel, give massages, run, hike, drink coffee with friends, meditate, learn new things, draw and paint...

My life takes place in the middle of Zurich. That's where I grew up and when I run along the Limmat on a beautiful, early morning or through the city just waking up, I feel happy and connected to this city. 

However, every few years I'm drawn to far away places and I've taken a few breaks - South East Asia, Australia, Chile, New Zealand... and most recently part of the Pacific Crest Trail in the USA.

Susann Arreghini - Talumai Yoga & Massagen
Desert in Southern California


Note of thanks

I thank all my teachers from the bottom of my heart for their knowledge and teachings, their guidance and their inspiration.