Lomilomi Massage Zürich- Talumai

Hawaiin Lomilomi massage

The lomilomi massage originated in Hawai'i and is a traditional body therapy.

Lomilomi works holistically. The massage has an effect deep down into the tissues and bones and creates space in the body. It balances the nervous system, releases blockages and relieves tension.

Lomilomi stimulates the free flow of energy and the person is thus accompanied into his natural strenght and balance.

It is a beautiful and healing work.

Fussreflexzonenmassage Zürich - Talumai

Classic foot reflexology massage

It all starts in the feet. Through our feet we are connected with the body as well as with the earth.

Our feet are reflexorically connected with our organs. Therefore, blockages in our various body systems can be specifically released via special pressure points in the feet.

A foot reflexology massage stimulates the individual systems and balances the entire nervous system.